Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Saving Crab Alley Protest Party

Yo everybody! Its mah Marissy! So yea  I really wanna save Crab Alley. I know what your thinking the lazy theurgist is gonna start working again. :P yesh i am lazy because i got it from my dad so DONT JUDGE MEH O_O and also Hannah Storm aka The Quiet Diviner liked my idea if saving Crab Alley so now Hannah and I are the offical leaders of Save Crab Alley protest this Tuesday we're gonna protest on Crab Alley on 8PM Eastern, 7PM Central realm Vampire area 1 Hannah and I both we see some bloggers helping us out even thought the Selena quest will be over doesn't mean Crab Alley should disappear we could make it into a hang out spot like the commons because srsly it won't be fair that members can go to underwater areas in Celestia and nonmembers just stay on dry land don't you think we should do a spot FAIR for both members and nonmembers and btw the commons dont count people need a cool hang out and not like commons, ravenwood type so Crab Alley should be a hangout for both members and nonmembers even plus that place is so cool every 5 minutes you'll probably see an underwater party if ya wana like our facebook fan page search Like To Save Crab Alley I sent a letter to Kingsisle and they said they'll think about it but I know that they'll probably take away Crab Alley so Hannah, me and all the rest of the people who want to save Crab Alley will keep protesting until we save Crab Alley so Like our page and join our awesome party :D

~Marissy Petal~

1 comment:

  1. Actually Crab alley is still there. I got on my storm wizard and the last time i went on him was when crab alley was still open. Well when i got on him i got in crab alley! :) Then i got on my death wizard and ported to my friend in crab alley and i saved a mark in it ;). Try to find a friend who saved a mark in Crab alley.
