Monday, May 17, 2010


Ugh okay today I was playing wizard101 and was talking to a bunch of my friends and suddenly this guy I hate came up to us and he started saying that his dad actually created the game and blah blah he was like ooh ya my dad created this game and I was like dude seriously shut up because your lieing. The funny thing is he is only level 45! Then he accused me of being a fake and not owning this blog btw i was on my chelsea firestone character. And I was like Oh No you didnt just say that! There was a lot more said but I don't want to go into too much detail so I was like um actually dude I do own this blog and at least I am not a liar like you trying to get attention! Jeesh thats one thing i can't stand is liars! and fakes! Man it makes my blood boil.

His name is Elijah UnicornGlade! <----- Hated person on wizard101

He has a massive potty mouth! he curses all the time and always calls me unapropriate things which I find horrible because there are kids that play this game and I don't want them to hear half of the things he is saying so if you see him please report him he is just a meniss to wizard101 and just completely ruins the fun!

Remeber ELIJAH UNICORNGLADE LEVEL 45 ICE!! <------------REPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also Someone Named VALKOOR LIFESTRIDER Claims to be The creater of the game which I didn't believe for one second! Seriously why do people have to lie there way through in life its just pathetic!
-Cassandra Lifecaster A.K.A Chelesa Firestone!


  1. Oh yeah that was his name. I am gonna post that in my blog too, remember I was there :P She is telling the truth he is a rude and mean lier( sorry idk how to spell it :P ) He kept on saying things that weren't true. I went on wikipedia and I looked up the creator of the game and he is american right? So I asked the kid where his family is from and he said Europe! He is a complete lier. And he also had a friend backing him up who was Fire I don't remember the name. So remember that he is a lier!

    Be safe
    -Mary Dreamshade

  2. Epic fail!

    J. Todd Coleman, the "Director" of Wizard101, is indeed American and is working in Austin, Texas of the United States.

  3. Oh I remember the end of the conversation. I asked where his dad was and he said that he was with his mom on a mother's day dinner. (It was Mother's Day) So after a few more "rounds" of arguing, he said he was gonna call his dad's char to be there and some kid ported like 5 minutes later, who was supposedly the Dad. But how is that even POSSIBLE if he said that he was out of the house and on dinner. Plus, the day after I saw ANOTHER kid that said he was the guy's son. When I told that Elijah kid that this game was RECORDED and people are WATCHING it and are the real people, he didn't argue that much and stopped repeating that he was the guy's son. He is a fake and a fake he will be for the rest of his life. So remember what Cass said, if you ever see him, report him for lying and saying bad words. Don't believe what people on the internet say THEY MIGHT BE A HOBO WHO SOMEHOW OWNS A WORKING LAPTOP! So never believe what people say about lies THAT big!

    -Mary Dreamshade

  4. lol chill down we all know the truth...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I can totally side with you, on this one. I abhor people that try to elevate themselves via effortless lies, as opposed to "putting in the work". All too many people cling to the old proverb:" If you can't impress them with the truth, dazzle them with MooShu patties".
    You *almost* want to pity those people..but not *quite*.

  7. Hey, Mary Dreamshade, about your first comment; I think it was a great idea to put this on your blog; I'm going to do the same and I'm going to tell all my friends to as well. So, everybody; get this out ALL OVER THE NET! It's jerks like this who are always ruining fun experiences for kids (and teens and adults) like us who are just trying to have fun with other people online!

    And, also, while we're on the subject, people have been taking my screenshots off my blog and making them look like theirs; I have found that almost all of the new photos on the Wizard 101 website look exactly like mine except with cut-and-pasted characters. (whoops, I had better stop ranting...)

  8. lol Cool I am posting it today NO ONE BELIEVE THAT KID!
