Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ComedyTheurgists Go Live!

 Proud to announce a new feature for our blog.

A ComedyTheurgists Webcast!!


This webcast will be where we crank up the tunes and pull a little comedy and also deliever news and have wacky interviews and competitions!!

Me and Marissa, have been thinking about doing this even before we created the blog which has been a big hit since we only launched it LAST MONTH!

So we have decided to actually run this idea and just say what the hay lets go for it!

We will be broadcasting almost every Sunday!

Starting this Sunday! So bare with us since this will actually be our first show so please bare with us and give us a break because I know that there will be some nerves formed on the night. We hope to get quite a lot of people in but we will be happy if only 1 or 2 people watch at least its somebody.


Central US: 2pm
Eastern US: 3:00pm
Pacific US: 12:00pm
GMT Universal Time (England): 8:00pm

P.S Sorry we had to move the date to Sunday! Due to Difficulties :P

Hope to see you there :D!! It would mean a lot to us :) and also we will be doing competitions and lots of other great things so better not miss it :D Click Here When The Time Is Write!


  1. YAY!!!!!! Guys that is SO COOL! I wish you guys good luck, you guys are so awesome, I know you'll do great! :D!!!!!!!

  2. Yep, the advanced pets are here and I added podcast to my wizard101 podcast list...


  3. I will be here every show. Oh and this is Rogue Sorcerer. \,,/(O.O)\,,/

  4. Please remind me on skype, as I am most likely going to be rummaging through all the paper with the project! :)

  5. I WILL BE THERE! -Spongebob
